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How to choose sofa color? Check out these tips and inspirations to get the room decor right


Do you know how to choose color for sofa? The furniture not only ensures comfort for the environment, but can also be the most prominent item.

Therefore, when buying a sofa model, try to analyze the issue of color, taking into account some important factors.

To help you, we've separated these tips and guidelines so you don't go wrong in decorating the living room and ensure a good look to the space.

Will the sofa be a standout or a discreet piece?

gray sofa in living room

The starting point for choosing a sofa color comes from a simple question: do you want the piece of furniture to become the highlight of the room or something more discreet?

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That way, by answering this question, you can narrow down your options.

That is, if you want your sofa to be bold, bright colors will work best, while neutral tones will give the room a subtle look, while still remaining elegant. 

The best alternative depends on your personal taste. For example, if you're a person with a wardrobe full of colorful and varied pieces, you might enjoy sitting on a shiny sofa every day. On the other hand, if you are simpler, you may feel uncomfortable.

For a neutral sofa, there is the possibility of styling the piece with pillows and throws .

Analyze whether a light or dark tone will work better

gray sofa in living room

When deciding whether to opt for a “bright” or a sober color, another suggestion is to think about what will be the best shade for your environment. 

In that case, you need to consider the characteristics of the living room – bet on a sofa shade that contrasts with the floor, for example, as this ensures that the piece of furniture becomes a focal point of the area.

If your living room has a dark wood floor, a light-colored sofa might be the best choice. Now, if there is a cream rug, a sofa with a darker tone is better than one of a similar shade, as it will make the space look very monochromatic.

Another detail to consider is the location of the sofa. If it is installed in front of a window that allows a good entry of natural light, the most advisable is a lighter color.

This is because certain sofa covers can become discolored if they are exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods.

think about the future

light L shaped sofa

The sofa is an investment, so your furniture needs to stand the test of time. And what does it mean? That not only do you need to buy a high quality piece, but one that has a style that you will enjoy for years.

One suggestion is to avoid colors that are trending, as they will be exciting at the moment, but after a while they will go out of style.

Think of a color that you've always liked to use or that is already present in your home.

By the way, in case of moving to a new house or apartment, a neutral sofa can be an interesting idea, as it can blend in more easily with the environment.

Choose a shade that works with multiple color schemes

green sofa in neutral room

Of course, it's good to choose a color that suits you, so it's much easier to redecorate the space around the sofa without having to buy new furniture.

In these cases, neutral tones remain the easiest to work with, but you don't have to stick with them.


If you want to have a colorful sofa, that's fine. It can work as long as you choose a more versatile color. For example, are you a fan of green? How about betting on an olive or emerald tone?

Consider your lifestyle

pink sofa in living room

Some factors that you should take into account and that involve your lifestyle are:, about Laminate flooring  in Jacksonville 

Presence of children (or if you plan to have children in the near future);

Presence of pets;

How often you entertain friends and family;

How you and the people who live with you are organized;

Couch function.

In summary, stay away from light colored sofas if you have children or pets , as they will not hide stains. The same thing can be said if you are a party person or like to enjoy casual meals on the couch.

For this, choose a sofa color in darker tones.

If you live alone or with only other adults, a particularly bright sofa like white or cream might be worth the risk – if you trust everyone to take good care of the furniture. Otherwise, say goodbye to the idea of ​​such a sofa color.


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