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How to choose mirror for dining room? See tips for getting the decor right


The mirror is an ally in the dining room decor! It's no wonder, after all, it helps to have a bright environment and with the visual impression that it's bigger.

Want to bet on this piece to decorate the space? So, check out tips here on how to choose a mirror for the dining room and see how to get the decor right!

Why use a dining room mirror?

How to choose mirror for dining room?  See tips for getting the decor right

The use of a mirror for the dining room is an alternative to decorating the area, with special benefits. One of the main ones is that the mirror reflects images and light.

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This makes the difference, because it gives a feeling of depth, as if the room is bigger than it is. Therefore, the use of the piece is an excellent decorating tip for a small dining room.

In addition, it reflects light, which gives the visual sensation that the room is brighter. Therefore, it is the perfect indication for darker and windowless spaces.

At the same time, the mirror manages to modernize and add elegance to the decoration of the dining room , making it more special and sophisticated, all without much effort.

Where to place the mirror in the dining room?

One of the main doubts about the use of the piece in the dining room is where to install it. In general, its use on the wall is indicated, either hanging from it or leaning against it.

It is recommended to install the piece when you want it to be securely fixed to the wall, ensuring a cleaner look for the decor. Now, if you don't want to drill the wall, the proposal is to leave the mirror resting on it and on the floor .

The only care you should have is that this usage tip is perfect for large mirrors. If you use a small one, you won't be able to get a full view of the area.

How to choose mirror for dining room


Rectangular mirror in the dining room

Now that you know the benefits of using the piece and where to use it, it's time to check out how to choose the perfect model for decorating your living room. See our tips:

Decide the size of the mirror

mirror in small dining room

mirror in small dining room

Generally speaking, there are no rules about size, you can choose a large, medium or several small. What you should keep in mind is the effect you want to have on the decor.

Large mirrors are more imposing and make the decoration more elegant and sophisticated. In addition, they make it possible to maximize the benefits of amplitude and better lighting.

The medium models are perfect for adding an extra touch of charm to the decor, while still having the benefits of lighting and the feeling that the space is bigger.

In the specific case of small mirrors, they work more as decoration complements. In this case, it is recommended that you make a composition with several with different frames, guaranteeing originality to the space.

Even if you use the composition of small mirrors, you can combine them with pictures . This is a decoration tip to escape the obvious, making the space even more special.

Measure the installation area

Another care that should be taken is to measure the area where you intend to install the mirror. That way you will be able to guarantee a model that is proportional and fits perfectly in the space, having a much more beautiful result.

Consider the decorative style of the area


Decorative mirror for the dining room


Decided to decorate your dining room based on a decorative style? So, know that considering it is essential to choose the perfect mirror, especially when it comes to the frame., buy Hardwood flooring in Jacksonville Beach 

A room with retro decoration, for example, looks amazing with mirrors with a vintage frame or in a round shape. A rustic decoration gains much more charm with a piece with a wooden frame and so on.

Define the effect you want to give to the decoration

Square and rectangular mirrors are perfect for those looking for timeless pieces that work easily with any decor style.

Now, if your intention is to have a piece that gives a feeling of movement, softness and lightness, the tip is to bet on a mirror with curved lines, such as the round or oval.

Choose if you want to have a mirror with light

The mirror with built-in light is one of the main decoration trends and an interesting alternative if your intention is to have an even brighter area. You can buy the model already with lights or install an LED strip .


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