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8 accessibility tips for home: learn how to adapt your home by following these details


Thinking about investing in home accessibility techniques, but don't know which ones are the main ones? There are some basic ones that help adapt your home in a simple way.

Here are eight home accessibility tips! Check out what they are and take the opportunity to adopt them in your home, facilitating their use by people with reduced mobility or physical disabilities.

1. Prefer non-slip floors

8 accessibility tips for home: learn how to adapt your home by following these details

Non-slip floors are the best choices to ensure more home accessibility! They prevent falls, minimizing the risk of accidents.

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And which floors are non-slip? Usually satin and non-polished ones. In general, cement, hydraulic tiles, natural stones and other rubber products.

If you can't change the floor in your home, the tip is to use non-slip tapes in strategic places, such as on stairs and bathrooms. In this way, the possibility of accidents is reduced.

2. Ensure good lighting

hallway lighting

Dark environments increase the chance of accidents at home, so you need to avoid them. The brighter the area is, the better, especially when there are elderly people and wheelchair users among the residents.

Ideally, in areas such as the bathroom, laundry room, kitchen, hallways and entrance to the house, the light is brighter. In rest areas, such as living rooms and bedrooms, assemble a system that mixes white and yellow.

In this way, you will be able to have adequate lighting in living rooms and bedrooms, without leaving aside the comfort and warmth that these spaces need to have.

Including, to further enhance accessibility, you can install smart home devices (smart home), to turn the light on and off only with voice command.

3. Leave ports free

woman in wheelchair

Want to install furniture near doors ? So, know that leaving them free is one of the main home accessibility tips. The reason for this is simple: that way, you'll be able to open and close them without difficulty.

In addition, the furniture is prevented from compromising the space available for a wheelchair, for example. The ideal thing is to have a minimum width of 80 centimeters on the door, so as not to block or impede circulation.

4. Bet on minimalist bathrooms

minimalist and affordable bathroom

The fewer items you have in the bathroom , the better. A simple way to achieve this is to invest in minimalist decor, placing only what is necessary in the space.

Also, install support bars, which should be close to the toilet and inside the box. If you want to avoid breakage when installing the bars, opt for options with a pressure suction cup.

However, choose quality models that support a good amount of weight without easily detaching from the wall. Thus, the chance of falls is avoided.

5. Install ramps

man going up ramp with wheelchair

Ladders are traps that must be avoided. Whenever you need to have a transition between environments, opt for the ramp, which must be installed with a handrail.

If the house already has stairs, a tip that works very well is to install removable ramps on top. However, it is important to check the slope, so that it is not too difficult to go up or down the ramp.

If you are in doubt about the ideal slope and how to obtain it more easily, consult an expert.

6. Be careful with the height of countertops and furniture

kitchen in wood and blue tones

It is indicated that countertops and furniture have a height of about 1.20 meters, considering adults who are not people with dwarfism. If you have this condition, the recommendation is to install countertops and furniture with a lower height, about Laminate flooring  in Jacksonville 

Another tip about countertops is that they have free spaces at the bottom. In this way, you will be able to fit the wheelchair when performing day-to-day tasks in the kitchen, with greater practicality and accessibility.


7. Adapt faucets and doorknobs in the house

door with lever handle

Many forget two details when making the house more accessible: faucets and doorknobs! They can be major challenges for those with limited mobility in fingers and hands.

On doors, the general recommendation is to use lever handles, as they are less slippery and require less effort to open. As for faucets, use automatic or touch-operated ones.


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